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Safeguarding at Warkworth Drama Group


We acknowledge children’s and adults’ right to protection from abuse, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, or beliefs. We consider that the welfare of children and adults to be paramount. We will follow legislation, statutory guidance and recognised good practice in order to protect vulnerable people in our group.


We will seek to establish a caring environment in which there is an informed vigilance about the dangers of abuse. 


We will implement, maintain and regularly review the procedures outlined in this policy, which are designed to prevent and be alert to abuse.


We have a Designated Safeguarding Person and a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person who has specific responsibilities for safeguarding.  However, we recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. The Designated Person is the person to whom all concerns or allegations should be addressed. In the absence of the Designated Person the Deputy Designated Person should be contacted. 


Designated Safeguarding Person

Jan Gurney - email -


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person 

Hugh Williams - email - hughlwilliams@hotmail.commobile - 07711 286732


We will organise activities in such a way as to promote a safe environment and minimise the risk of harm to children and adults.


We will follow a safer recruitment process for the selection and appointment of people to work with children and adults at risk. 


We are committed to signposting people to access training regarding safeguarding awareness.


All concerns, disclosures and allegations of abuse will be responded to appropriately including referring to the statutory authorities if necessary.


We will co-operate with the statutory authorities in any investigation, will follow multi-agency decisions and will maintain confidentiality of any investigations to those directly involved.


We will refer concerns about volunteers and leaders that meet the relevant criteria to the Local Authority Designated Officer.  


WDG - Safeguarding Policy

WDG - Safeguarding Concern Form




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